psychedelic shamanism

10 Principles of Shamanism and Spiritual Medicine Teachings

There are 10 key principles of shamanism and spiritual medicine teachings that we can access through psychedelics, mindfulness, ceremony, rites of passage, and plant medicine.

  1. The Earth, the cosmos, all of creation is alive, conscious and interwoven in a seamless web of interconnectedness. It is all One with Infinite Spirit, which means you are one with divinity.

  2. Reciprocity is sacred and critical to living in harmony and balance. You are responsible to do your part in maintaining harmony and balance by giving back to spirit, not just taking. To stay alive, you must take in nourishment. To stay alive and in good mental and spiritual health, you must give back before you take. Give thanks. Take action. Live in sacred reciprocity.

  3. You matter. You are not here by accident. You have sacred purpose in being here with a heart path that will lead you to completion in this life, if you have the courage to be a Wisdom Warrior.

  4. You are entrusted with spiritual gifts and it is your responsibility to develop and share those gifts with all beings.

  5. You have access to the infinite, creative, wisdom-power energy of the universe. You can tap into this power anytime to live as you are meant to.

  6. You are not alone. Not only do you have the circle of sacred family and friends that walk beside you, you also have totem allies and ancestor spirits to help you in your work and life.

  7. There are spiritual energies that come to us through grace from each of the seven directions of the universe - the medicine wheel. Give thanks to the powers of the East, the powers of the South, the powers of West, the powers of the North. Give thanks to the powers above, below, and at the center of it all, Great Spirit.

  8. You are here to serve higher will, not ego

  9. Life is not about surviving. Life is about waking up and thriving through skillful use of alternate states of consciousness, to polish up the stardust from whence you came, so you can live love now.

  10. We are multidimensional spiritual beings having a human experience. We are love and our love is for giving.

Using psychedelics, mindfulness, ceremony, rites of passage, and plant medicine as tools to open up to infinite power of the universe will inspire you to live love now, a richer and more rewarding and sustainable way of being.